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When a Neanderthal man, Ixtao, rescues a wounded Homo Sapiens child, he unwillingly ushers in his tribe's destruction.

CAIN is a Columbia University Graduate Thesis Film that will resurrect a world long forgotten.

For hundreds of thousands of years, Neanderthals lived throughout what is now modern Europe. About 30,000 years ago, a new species, Humans, migrated out of Africa and into Europe. Within the span of a couple of thousand of years, Neanderthals went extinct.


What happened to them? Why are we the last ape standing? Did we have some hand in their extinction?

Under the scrutiny of rigorous scientific and historical research, the CAIN project aims to bring Neanderthals and ancient humans back to life. Summoning the expertise of evolutionary biologists, paleoanthropologists, linguists, writers, filmmakers, designers, and artists, CAIN will create a life-like drama never seen before.


30,000 years go.

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